
My mission is to raise awareness about the dangers inherent in our modern world and create change, all informed from my lay persons view and tempered by my building biology sensibilities.

  • I am a trained Low Tox Coach and aspiring Building Biologist
  • Over the last 25 years I have owned and operated businesses in areas where I see a gap in the market founded on the need for quality, education, reliability and relationships built on trust and mutual respect
  • I’m a passionate advocate for supporting small local businesses and families
  • I’m also an advocate for eating in a more natural and traditional way to support health
  • I have a love for research and thirst for knowledge
  • I believe every problem has a solution and you will find one if you look hard enough, you just have to think outside the box.
  • I am an ardent believer in building communities that live, work and support each other.

A chain of life events set me on a journey I could never have imagined for myself but for which I am and will always be grateful as it led me to find my true passion after both my life partners went through unexpected health concerns that resulted in very high, prolonged stress levels for me that eventually took a toll on my own health.

With a young family to look after, I wanted to not only ensure we were all healthy but that I could support both partners respectively on their journeys as well.  Hailing from a Lebanese background, good food was a large part of how I grew up, what I loved and who I was.  So, I began my journey looking at ‘food as medicine’ alongside natural and alternative therapies and ways of living to understand how we got to where we were. 

This led to my understanding and learnings on how to support myself and my family nutritionally as we began eating a chemical free, organic and what turned out to be a traditional wholefoods diet.

Food and lifestyle changes were big factors in our story yet the environmental aspects still needed to be addressed which led me to unintentionally studying building biology. The journey towards wellness informed the changes we made to our lives however building biology added a whole other layer.

My goal is now to empower people to make small, consistent changes with support, in a nurturing environment, that gradually, over time will amount to big changes and before they know it there will be improvements in their own health and wellbeing and to educate them on what the toxic burdens are in our lives, how to lower them, and provide resources making the transition and the journey a far less exhaustive one than my own.